A downloadable game for Windows

This is my attempt at making a Minecraft clone using OpenGL and C++. My previous project RemEngine featured infinitely generated terrain, however it used noise incorrectly and used instancing instead of meshing. This engine uses meshing, where all the visible faces of blocks in a chunk are combined into one mesh and then that mesh is drawn.

This project will likely not end up being an actual game with a proper game mode or anything. It's more of an engine demo.

Note: This game requires OpenGL 4.5+ to work.

GitHub Repo


  • Infinite terrain
  • Grassland, Desert, Snow and Forest biomes
  • Basic player controller for moving and looking around


  • WASD for movement
  • Mouse for looking around
  • F11 to toggle fullscreen
  • Escape to quit the game
Published 4 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorConnor Mackay
Tags3D, Sandbox, Voxel


BlockGame_Release.zip 412 kB

Install instructions

Unzip the .zip file and then open the executable to play the game.


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Really cool!

If you want to support me please check out my game but your game is super cool!

super cool!, you must be an extremely good programmer to do it from scratch